Click here to see 50 things to do before leaving Holy Family.


Here are some examples of how children at Holy Family enjoy experiences beyond the national curriculum.

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Beyond Humanities

Gardeners and Seeds

This year in school we are trying something different by rolling out the Gardeners and Seeds initiative. Each child in Class Six (a gardener) has been nominated to support a child in Reception Class (a seed). Over the year the children will work together with the Class Six gardeners nurturing the Reception Class seeds. We are hoping that this will help the children to settle well into school life and give them a buddy to work with in this first vital year of education.

Marist Centre

The Gift Team visited the Marist Centre in Manchester for a retreat day. In the session the children were able to work with the Marist Sisters under the leadership of Sr Mary Francis in order to understand more fully how to be a Faith Leader and what it means to lead others in prayer. 

The children had a great day. They were able to participate in prayer, engaged in role play and even had time for a few games. As a result, they were able to more fully understand their role as Faith Leaders and what it means to be part of a gift team. We would like to thank the Marist Sisters for their support and for welcoming us yet again to this very special venue.

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On Friday 5th May the whole community of Holy Family came together to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles. Children, parents, school governors and staff all joined together to pay tribute to out monarch on this very special occasion. All of the children enjoyed refreshments and spent time with their families. There was even a brass band, who played a variety of different songs including ‘God Save the King’. We were fortunate to be joined by two very special visitors- King Charles and Queen Camilla who waved to us from their balcony. This was a very special occasion and one which we hope all of the children remember. We would like to thank all of our families who joined us for the celebration and we hope that you had a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend. 


Diwali also known as the Festival of Lights is India’s biggest festival celebrated as part of the Hindu religion. The Festival of Diwali was celebrated on Sunday 12th November 2023. In school we celebrated Diwali by discussing the tradition in class with Miss Riley dressing in traditional clothing worn at the festival. We would like to wish everyone who celebrates the festival a happy Diwali. 

We would like to thank Mrs Kaur for joining us to inform the children about Diwali.

Student Council Initative 

The student council have been concerned about the amount of litter blowing in from the local streets so have organised a litter picking group at break times. This will take place every day to ensure that our school is kept clean and tidy. Thank you for being so environmentally friendly and for looking after our environment.


Crucial Crew

Y6 visited Crucial Crew in March to learn about the dangers of vaping and trespassing, along with learning about how to stay safe on the streets. We looked at what things are considered a crime, or anti-social behaviour too. 

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Beyond STEM

Class dojo

At Holy Family, we use class dojo to reward positive behaviour and efforts of the children in our classes. These dojo points vcan be viewed by parents, and are exchanged for house points at the end of the week in celebration assemblies.We also use class dojo to communicate with parents and share relevant information such as newsletters, key dates etc.